Historical websites

On this page you can find links to five websites, three being originally developed in 2019 and two from 2020 onwards. All were hosted on my Google Sites’ account, serving as explanations of my deepening ideas around what I had called the “intuition validation engine”.

Finally, there is a sixth page which contains a historical slide-deck on the subject of how to retain and deepen knowhow intrinsic to an organisation: what is effectively an organisational IP which often gets overlooked, as the tools to capture it supportively haven’t been developed.

Note: I often only realise exactly what I am thinking and then imagineering when I produce something. Production as a process is really important for me.

In this case, writing in English is me kind of producing software code: it’s the way I turn intangible concepts into something literal and usefully visible.

All the sites included below help audit my thinking as it progressed in the early years.